Original Title : In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 Where Have You Ben?
Genre : Drama, Comedy
Air Date : 2020-07-02
Watch it here! : In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 S2E12 (links)

Overview: with Nia’s entire shipment missing and the Guiding Hope crew under the gun to deliver it, Murphy, Jess Felix and Max will stop at nothing to sniff out the stash. In the meantime, Dean as his own plans for the misplaced goods, while Gene visits Darnell and uncovers some shocking information

Stream In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 S2E12 in HD Quality only on layarstar online.

What happened in this episode?I have a summary for you.

When is the In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 release date?
In the Dark Series 2 Ep.12 is all set on 02 July 2020 (America/New_York Time).

Where to Watch In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 Online?
You can watch In the Dark Series 2 on the mentioned timeslot by tuning to layarstar channel. You can also watch the episode on Cinemax official website and Cinemax App. Additionally, the episodes can be watched on Hulu, Amazon and Fubo Tv.

In the Dark Season 2 Episode 12 Recap:
Here’s what happened in the previous episode.
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